Sunday, July 26, 2009

Expedition to Europe: Brussels and Amsterdam

Belgium: home of waffles, chocolate, and Hercule Poirot. Erin and I flew from Palma Mallorca to Brussels on Saturday, April 18. The next day, we went to church:

I almost didn't want to go to church, but Erin thought it'd be a good idea (which is ironic, as I am a Christian and Erin is an atheist). She was right. The church was beautiful, but more importantly, God was more present to me in that Belgian cathedral than He had been in a long time.

The cathedral also had a great view of Brussels:

Brussels is a pretty business-oriented city, so it was pretty unbusy (what is the word for the opposite of busy?) on a Sunday. That was great, though; it was nice to get away from crowds and to not have to wait in line for our waffles-with-chocolate-and-strawberry lunch. (Yum, I know.)
Erin and I stopped in the Grande Place, which is big and grand and impressive:

We also visited that famous statue, the Mannekin. It was not big or grand or impressive, but there you go:

The highlight of our day in Brussels was the Atomium. This is the Atomium:

Seriously cool, right? It was built for the 1958 World Expo, and it has been in Brussels ever since. Here's what was even cooler, though: there were two random days when people could zipline from the top of the Atomium (335 feet tall), and Erin and I just happened to visit on one of those two days! I did not zipline (not because I was afraid, but because I was broke), but she did! Seriously cooler, right?
And here is the Belgian Arc de Triomphe:

It has a really nice park, where Erin and I ended our day in Brussels.

The next day, we went to Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Amsterdam is now one of my favorite cities. The 'coffeeshops' (where you get pot, versus cafes where you actually get coffee) are sort of whatever, and the sex trade is pretty gross (the Red Light District is honestly one of the most horrifying things I have ever seen), but minus that five-block area of whateverness and grossness, Amsterdam rocks.
The buildings are awesome, there are canals running through the whole city, and there are bikes everywhere:

And Anne Frank used to live there. Erin and I visited the Anne Frank Museum, which is just amazing. Here's another book shout-out: The Diary of Anne Frank. I feel like everyone has to read this in eighth grade, but if you, like Erin, somehow missed out on that part of education, go read this book. And then maybe visit Amsterdam to drive the whole thing home. Here's where Otto Frank's business and the Frank family's hiding place were:

Okay, like I said earlier, there were bikes everywhere in Amsterdam. There are also lots of pretty colors (of which I am a huge fan) and people who like happy things. This is how bikes like this come into existence:

Please look closely at the kickstand: it has wooden clogs on. Amazing.

Our second day in Amsterdam, Erin and I went on a windmill hunt. We rented bikes, which was so fantastic, and we rode all around and outside the city. We found things other than windmills, too:

The first windmill we found was the most impressive. It was also someone's house:

The second windmill was actually impossible to get to and kind of run-down, but...hey, it was a windmill:

And the last windmill had a restaurant in the bottom of it, which, in this picture, is covered up by Erin and me.

The bike rental place was by Amsterdam's library (the largest library in Europe and one of the newest-built), so Erin and I stopped in to use the Internet after our bike-riding adventure. And, lucky day, we saw royalty! The Swedish king and queen were in The Netherlands to promote peace and goodwill throughout the earth (or something like that), and the Queen was in the library to help open a show of children's books illustrated by Swedish artists. So, of course, Erin and I stayed in the library until the Queen left, because, seriously, royalty from a socialist country (how does that work, exactly?) is still royalty!
The Queen is in pink. I never got a picture of her face, but if you want to see it:

Like a lot of European cities, Amsterdam is beautiful. I think it seemed more beautiful to me, though, because these buildings aren't as iconic (read: I've seen pictures of them so much that they're almost common) as the Eiffel Tower or Big Ben or something:
I don't even know what this is, but it's just there, functioning in Amsterdam as if it's not totally big and awesome.
Our final day travelling, Erin and I visited the Van Gogh museum. It was fine, if you like Van Gogh. On the way, we completed our Dutch trip by finding a giant wooden clog:

We took a free and fantastic tour later that day, where we found another icon of the Dutch:

The next day, we went back to Oxford.
Dear Readers, we've finished with my spring break travels!! (Hey, it only took three months...) I loved nearly every minute of my trip, and don't regret a bit of it. I saw God in so many places and so many people, and I learned so much about His amazing world and my role in it. I discovered that tours are nearly always good ideas, most museums are not really my thing, ice cream always makes the end of a long day perfect, Italian men are the funniest flirters, it does no good to worry about money unless you're actually going to make a budget, you should always carry chocolate and apples, hikes to views are always rewarding, the beach at night is so lovely, overnight trains make you feel like a little kid because they're so cool, books are necessary to a good travel experience, there is rarely a need to wash clothes (unless it's underwear) between wears, you should always give a city at least a day before judging it, and it's better to travel with people, especially those people you love.
Though my continental adventures have come to a close, my European adventures aren't over yet! Check back soon for an update on my last term in Oxford and my time in Antibes!

Expedition to Europe: Paris and Palma

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the adventures of our intrepid adventurer: me. Sorry for the delay in between episodes. There was a writer's strike.

Anyway, we last left me in Nice with Madison and Ashton. I enjoyed my time with them immensely (this is an incredibly popular word in Britain, by the way, and incredibly misused), but alas, I had to leave them on the south coast and train all the way to Paris alone. I also spent my first night in Paris alone because my next travel partner, Bill, missed his plane. That is typical of Bill.

Bill arrived in Paris on Sunday, April 12, which was Easter Sunday! Bill and I spent Easter morning here:

That's Notre Dame. I love Notre Dame.

And that's Bill. He's a goofball that has a penchant for Dungeons and Dragons, philosophy, and being late.

We spent the Easter service inside Notre Dame, which looks like this:

The service was in French, so I understood a bit of it (words like "Jesus," "Christ," "God," and "Amen"), and it was mostly beautiful, beautiful music. There were also a bunch of guys in white doing mysterious sacred-mediating-between-the-people-and-God-type things:

So here's a little-known fact about Notre Dame: the back of the church is way cooler and prettier than the front:

I know, right? Why do they keep showing pictures of those two really-kind-of-boring towers (seriously, most of their interest value comes from imagining Quasimodo saving Esmerelda from the flames of death and shouting "SANCTUARY" as he hoisted her above his head whilst standing between the towers. Anyway.) when the back of the church looks like this?
After church, we went to the Eiffel Tower:

There is not much to say about the Eiffel Tower that you don't already know or can't look up on wikipedia. I mean, it's huge, and there are some really impressive views:

Like this view of the French Parliament. Sorry the photo is crooked, I took it myself.

That night, we went back to the Eiffel Tower:

Those white lights flickered on and off, which may sound seizure-inducing but was, in actuality, magical. Like Harry Potter was having Christmas in Paris or something.

Bill and I spent the next day at The Louvre:

The Louvre is a gigantic, gigantic museum that is vaguely overwhelming. And by vaguely I mean completely. There are four wings with about eight billion rooms each (for those of you who like math, that's 32 billion rooms). I visited some rooms that were new to me, and some old favorites, like my second-favorite statue ever:

The Winged Victory. So cool.

Bill and I also stopped by the Sacre Coeur, the Church of the Sacred Heart. After visiting this church, I have absolutely no insight into what it is or why it was built. I'm not sure if it's Christian, or inter-religious, or what, but one thing it was: busy.

After this, Bill and I left Paris and headed to a small island off the coast of Spain to join up with our friends. Our journey there was...awful. The night of Monday, July 13, and the whole day of Tuesday, July 14, were the worst 36 hours of my whole trip. It's way too complicated and awful to talk about the gritty, tear-inducing details, but let's just say that what we thought was going to be a train ride from Paris to Barcelona and then a plane from Barcelona to Mallorca (all in one day) turned into an overnight train from Paris to Irun, a train to San Sebastian, a bus to Madrid, a frantic call to my dad who bought us new plane tickets, a surprise overnight stay in Madrid, and finally, a day late, a plane from Madrid to Mallorca. However, I have to remember to praise God for all the incredibly nice and helpful people we met on our no-good, truly awful day.
But once we finally got to Mallorca, it was great! We met up with Jacque (you may remember her from Italy and Greece), Erin (from Prague), Sabrina (an Oxford housemate), and Nicole. The first order of business was to bury Erin and me in the sand and then draw a yin-yang around us:

There are pretty much only two things to say about Mallorca: it was beautiful, and we did nothing but relax.

This was a sunrise:

This was our daily view from the beach:

And this was the last sunrise:
And thus concludes April 12-April 18. Coming up next: the final stages of my trip. Join us next post as we gape at more big buildings, admire more statues, and visit more museums.