Sunday, December 28, 2008

Today's post brought to you by the letter S

Season's Greetings to everyone who's reading this! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and that your New Year's is wonderful as well.

Since December 7, I have been at home, enjoying the company of my family, my dog, and my cat, making numerous trips up to Jewell, doing a little bit of homework, taking naps, and reading and watching a lot of Harry Potter.

Satisfactory as my homebound break has been (I've loved it!), it's time for me to take off and...

See the world! For the rest of my Christmas break, I'll be traveling in Scotland and Spain. (I thought I might travel Europe based on letters. I was hoping to get through all 26 letters of the alphabet, but I don't think "Xciting Italy" will count for the letter X. Which is a shame, really, as the letter X is quite a neglected and lonely letter.) I thought you might be interested in hearing my travel itinerary.

Stop #1 is Scotland. I'm going to Edinburgh with my brother, Reid, and my friends Bill, Brett, Madison, and Robyn. Robyn, you may recall, lives with me; Brett and Madison go to Jewell, and are spending second semester in Oxford. We'll spend New Year's Eve and New Year's there, and on January 2, Reid and I will sally forth to spectacular Spain!

Stop #2 is Granada, Spain, where Reid and I will spend January 2-3. We'll then take a train to Seville, Spain, and stay January 3-5. On January 5, we'll fly to Barcelona, and on January 6, we'll return to London.

Sadly, Reid leaves for the US on January 7. Happily, I return to Edinburgh to rejoin Brett, Madison, and Robyn. On January 9, we'll come back to Oxford.

Soon after my return, I will post many pictures and stories of our travels!

So many of you have expressed good wishes and prayers for Reid and I as we start our travels. I'd like to thank you for those, and to ask for continued prayer as we journey, quite literally, into a great unknown. This is the first real trip that either Reid or I have taken without our parents, and that's a big responsibility. If you could pray for safety and health for Reid, Bill, Brett, Madison, Robyn, and I; for comfort for my parents and Abbie at home; for fun; and most of all, for God's guidance and revelation on this trip, that would be wonderful.

See you soon!


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time in Spain. I lived there when I was little, near Madrid. I'm sure ity's completely different than I remember. We'll be praying for safe travel and tons of fun!


Anonymous said...

Will keep you and Reid in our thoughts & prayers of a safe trip. Will not give you another safety talk!
Finally read the whole blog. Enjoy your sense of humor. Looking forward to the pics from your trip.
Love you!
Aunt Patti

Anonymous said...

Re Re, another super report. Not surprising, but as usual, sensational! Mom and I will surely seek God's safety, serenity and sovereignty for the six of you!

We love you!!!

Anonymous said...

What a treat to read this, Joy! I do miss your writing very much - among other things, of course! Your travels sound wonderful. Spain is my favorite place to visit. The country is really diverse for its size. The food and wine are exceptional. The art and architecture are amazing. And I enjoy the language, although I must admit that the only place they understand "my" Spanish is Madrid! Now Scotland is somewhere I would love to see, too, but have not yet had the pleasure. How exciting! I anxiously await the pictures and stories yet to come.

How perfect that you had an opportunity to be home for a little while. It kind of "re-charges your batteries" so you can go back and continue to enjoy your time away. Family seems to do that for us - at least, when we are blessed with a good family.

I hope you don't mind all my comments on your various posts. Just playing "catch up", I suppose.

Safe and happy journeys to you, your brother, and your friends! My positive thoughts are definitely with you! :)

Anonymous said...

Abbie and I want to convey our melancholy due to the fact that you are gone. We hope you and Reid have a wonderful trip and are eager to embark upon our own expedition in March. We hope you are travelling carefully and complete your trip with minimal difficulty. All of the prior writing NOT brought to you by the letter after R.