Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Georgia Trail

Remember the computer game "Oregon Trail" and its sequels?  I used to love those.  My favorite part was coming up with names for the people I was travelling with.  There was almost always either a Zeke or Luke (and in my head, I was probably married to him), plus a Catherine, Emma, Emily, or Elizabeth.  I would make these names into my own little family, and I was way more worried about them than about killing bison or whatever else you did on the trail.  And if Luke/Zeke died, forget it: I was starting the game over, because no way was I making it to Oregon as a single mom.

I don't know what made me think about that, except maybe now I have, with my own little "family", traveled to Georgia.  And my Zeke/Luke, who's really named Robert, didn't die, so I was willing to make it all the way here!

People keep asking how we're settling in and liking Georgia!  Well...I don't feel settled yet.  We had just gotten all moved in to our new apartment--I had just re-organized the towels and sheets for into a more permanent order--when we decided to move into this duplex.  We've been moving/moving in/moving out for two months, do we like it here?  We don't even know where "here" is!

Actually, "here" is: the dog park; Margarita's (but not the chain); Dolce Vita; St. Peter Claver Catholic Church; Mercer University.  That's where we spend our time.  Those are our constants.  We've made friends!  At the dog park, there's the lesbian contingent (what is it with lesbians and owning dogs?), plus the anime girl and the school principal's family.  At SPC, there's the PE teacher kids think is my sister, the pregnant elementary-school teacher who has all the inside knowledge, the Spanish teacher with the super-Southern accent.  At Mercer, there are music people.  Lots of music people!  The dog lady and the tiny girl with the big voice and the marrieds and trombonist and the soulful black women (not stereotyping, just fact-ing).

Plus we have each other: Joy, Robert, and Penny.  Penny makes life cuter and more active, and Robert makes life busier and happier.  I think I make life neater.

If we were on the Oregon Trail, we would totally make it.  Robert would fix the wagon every time it broke (he's really good at fixing things), and I would being awesome at trading and Penny would bark at every single thing ever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you!