Sunday, November 11, 2012

God Believes in Love: Three-Sentence Book Review

God Believes in Love: Straight Talk about Gay Marriage, by Gene Robinson

The logical arguments in this book are made more effectively than the emotional arguments.  The emotional arguments are written as if his experience as a gay American is the same as all gay-American experiences, which is just not the case.  Read this if you just want information, rather than to be convinced.


megan kennedy said...

Joy, I still read your blog, and I really like these 3-sentence book reviews. They usually either make me want to read them, or not waste my time, and I am thankful for your helpful analysis of what you've read so that other people can benefit from it too. Love ya!

Joy Mason said...

Megan, it is such a blessing knowing you exist (and read my blog!). Thank you for caring! And glad to help on the books. :)